
Help keep your family safe by improving your home’s air quality.

Air Pollution Impacts Everyone


11岁以下儿童死于哮喘的人数每年增加7%以上. 我们国家1/3的医疗费用可能直接归因于室内空气污染.

94% of all respiratory problems are caused by polluted air.


“As a result of today’s energy efficient, tight or closed building construction, 我们家里和工作场所的空气污染程度总是比最糟糕的室外空气污染程度高2-5倍.”

“An exposure to (debris to dust) mites in the first, crucial year of life can trigger a lifelong allergy. There is no cure, only prevention”

"Only 10% of homes in the USA have an efficient air cleaning system.”



  • 31% (VOCs) Volatile Organic Compounds (Odors and Gases)
  • 35% (Particulate) Organic & 无机……. 灰尘 Mite Dander, Smoke, Pollen & 灰尘
  • 34% (Bioaerosols) Germs…. 细菌、病毒 & 真菌


我们的肺部起到过滤器的作用,防止大于4微米的污染物进入血液. 98% of indoor air pollution is smaller than 1 micron.

Improving 室内空气质量

There are three basic strategies to improve indoor air quality:

  1. 源控制
  2. 改善通风
  3. 空气清洁剂




Opening windows and doors; operating bathroom and kitchen fans that exhaust outdoors, will help to dilute or remove contaminants from the indoor air.

尤其重要的是,当你参与可能产生大量污染物的短期活动时,尽可能多地采取这些步骤, 绘画, 油漆剥离, heating with kerosene heaters, cooking or engaging in maintenance and hobby activities such as welding, 焊接或打磨. You might also choose to do some of these activities outdoors.

大多数住宅强制空气加热系统和空调系统不会机械地将室外空气带入室内, 依靠渗透和自然通风将室外空气带入家中. 

新住宅的先进设计开始采用将室外空气引入室内的机械系统. 其中一些设计包括节能热回收通风机(也称为空气对空气热交换器).




There are many types and sizes of air cleaners on the market, 从相对便宜的桌面模型到复杂昂贵的全屋系统. Some air cleaners are highly effective at particle removal, 而其他的, including most table-top models, 就不那么重要了. 空气净化器的设计一般不是为了去除气态污染物(VOC)。.


在过去的几年里, 有一些宣传表明,室内植物在实验室实验中已被证明可以降低某些化学物质的含量. There is currently no evidence, 然而, 合理数量的室内植物可以去除家庭和办公室中的大量污染物. 潮湿的土壤, 过度浇水的室内植物可能会促进微生物的生长,从而影响过敏个体.

目前, 环境保护署不建议使用空气净化器来降低氡及其衰变产物的水平.

According to the American Lung Association, poor indoor air quality may cause headaches, 眼睛干涩, 恶心想吐, 乏力, 还有鼻塞. While it’s impossible to completely remove indoor air pollution, an air purifier can be a great investment and improve overall health.

除了, these devices help remove germs, 减少空气传播疾病的风险,减少二手烟的影响. 大多数过敏患者在购买空气净化器后,病情都有了很大的改善. 


中央空气净化器, also known as a whole-house air cleaner, is installed directly into your home’s HVAC system. Every time your central heating system or air conditioner runs, the air is filtered before it is distributed throughout the home.

Central air cleaners can remove various degrees of allergens, 颗粒和污染物, (灰尘, 烟, 花粉, 宠物毛发和霉菌). They are quiet, convenient and low maintenance, but they can be pricey.

Types of Central 空气清洁剂



机械空气过滤器的范围从基本的空气过滤器,已经纳入到您的炉, which is not very effective, to high-efficiency HEPA filters that capture some 99.97 percent of particles smaller than 0.3微米.

The mid-range option is a pleated air filter, 这种过滤器像普通过滤器一样插入你的炉槽,但能去除更多的颗粒. 在一般情况下, mechanical air filters are designed to remove particles such as dust, 花粉, animal hair and some mold spores.


电子空气净化器, also called electrostatic air precipitators, use electronically-charged filters to capture particles. They are far more effective than standard or pleated mechanical air filters.

有些被设计成适合你的炉槽,但表现最好的模型是单独的系统. These filters need to be replaced periodically, like the basic air filter. 然而,一些电子空气净化器可能会产生臭氧,这会刺激肺部.

We offer Whole House Polarized-Media 空气清洁剂. They are an affordable solution to air cleaning, with minimal installation costs and easy economical maintenance. These devices come with a Lifetime Warranty on electronics.

有两种类型的中央空气净化器,旨在通过去除污染物来清洁空气, germs and pollutants: ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) cleaners, 及臭氧发生器.

  • UVGI空气净化器使用紫外线灯去除病毒和细菌等生物制品. 紫外线是一种科学正确的解决方案,可以解决室内空气污染的气体和细菌阶段. These are designed to be used with air filters, not instead of air filters.
  • 臭氧发生器利用紫外线灯或电荷去除微粒、气体和生物制品. They are highly effective cleaners; 然而, they do produce Ozone emissions. They should not be used if anyone in the home has allergies, asthma or other lung problems, and the EPA warns against them.



Multi-Voltage UV Germicidal Air Purifiers

所有紫外线杀菌空气净化器都有电子产品终身保修. The UV lamps have a 2-year long-life.

Multi-Voltage UV Germicidal Air Purifiers with Odor Control.

These are the same Air Purifiers with an Oxidizing Unit included. 所有紫外线杀菌空气净化器都有电子产品终身保修. The UV lamps have a 2-year long-life.


Need a little more guidance from a professional?  Our experienced technicians are ready to help.


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